Advanced Dry Needling

Duis sed urna vel nulla placerat placerat eu non turpis. Donec ultricies dui vehicula lacinia scelerisque. Phasellus pharetra, magna sodales accumsan suscipit, neque mauris bibendum diam, quis placerat quam quam vel magna. Sed egestas sit amet tortor vitae gravida. Pellentesque in consectetur metus. Nunc at orci ante. Nullam egestas efficitur volutpat. Morbi gravida sagittis leo,…

Activator Methods

Activator Methods is not just using the activator. There are many Chiropractors who use the activator but do not use the method. The method is a form of analysis, which allows the patients body to demonstrate the dysfunctional joints through particular movements. The use of the adjusting tool is highly specific and is showing promising…


Chiropractic specialises in manual therapy or joint/spinal manipulation. It takes 5 years to learn this art, which is specific to Chiropractors. Our belief is that particular joints in the spine and periphery can become dysfunctional and decreased in movement, resulting in inflammation, spasm and pain. We believe that if we restore motion in these joints,…